Hunter Safety Education



    "Students are required to attend all class sessions including all field day exercises.  The class is an interactive course with several "hand-on" experiences.  Students are expected to participate in all activities.  the final exam consists of a 40 question written test and also a "gun handling" assessment.  Both are given individually to each student on the last day of class.  There are also homework assignments, called chapter reviews

in the back of their manual, that the students must

complete.  Thereafter, our new graduates will become

our future safe hunters and shooters."

    The Southport Masters clubhouse provides

appropriate classroom and range facilities. 

Wisconsin-FORCE, the Wisconsin state firearms

association, has contributed funding for the purchase of eye

and ear protection as well as ammunition for student use.

    WDNR training is recognized in all 50 United States, Canada,

and Mexico as well as other countries around the world.

Beau Bosovich

Hunter Safety Director

    Southport has been sponsoring the Wisconsin Department of

Natural Resources Hunter Safety programs for many years.

    Southport member Beau Bosovich has many years of firearms

safety and related marksmanship youth training program experiences.

in addition to being a DNR Licensed Trainer, he has earned the NRA

Range Safety Officer credentials and is an NRA Certified Instructor in

Pistol, Rifle, had Home Firearm Safety disciplines.  In his own words:

    "The Hunter Education Course objectives are:

  1. To promote safe, responsible and ethical hunting.
  2. To emphasize the importance of game laws, habitat and wildlife management.
  3. To show the students and have them demonstrate safe gun handling procedures which will reduce hunting accidents, and to familiarize students with hunting equipment, methods and skills in order to promote life long learning."